Friday, July 13, 2012

My Mutants and Masterminds game last night was awesome! Here is the short short verison.......The 4 PCs were variations of Wolverine, Black Canary, Mento (a male Jean Grey), and She-Ra. They are middle level super hero characters so they are not very well known and still use their mild-mannered alter-ego jobs to help pay the rent on their headquarters in Queens, NY. lol

The opening, or splash page, started with fighting a giant robot at a truck stop in New Jersey. One of the gas pumps was on fire and in 4 rounds the fire would reach the main fuel line and blow a city block. With 1 round to go, the heroes put out the fire and threw the giant robot into the Jersey River. The local news gets the story all wrong and gives them no props for their heroic deeds.

Later back at their rented head quarters the quintessential red-capped-super-doper-guy drops a babysitting job on the team to watch the Dr Doom-like super villain’s mad scientist while the justice “jerks” do all the saving the world stuff, looking for their weapons of mass destruction in eastern Europe. The team interrogates the scientist and with the help of psionics they learn the location of the WMDs is actually in a secret lair beneath Manhattan. Instead of calling the justice “jerks” they decide to handle it themselves.

Suddenly, across the alley they see a swat team preparing to enter a building of data entry/ customer service offices. The heroes realize that they are not actually NYPD and attack them before they can take hostages. They win but in the confusion the mad scientist escaped and the bystanders in the office buildings are pressed against the windows of the first few floors with smart phones in hand recording “Super villains beating up NYPD swat”. They hear sirens in the distance and flee the scene.

Disguised as their alter-egos, they regroup in Manhattan enter the underground via the subway tunnels. In the tunnels they are attacked by ninjas lead by an Electra-like villainess. The heroes mercilessly kill the Electra and her ninjas (I blame the Mt Dew) and locate the secret lairs entrance.

When they enter the lair to see an army of masked terrorists with a few traditional cylon-looking robots in front of the Dr Doom-like super villain who exclaims “At last you’ve found…. Who the eff are you?” (Apparently expecting the justice “jerks”) My PCs respond with “We’re the other guys!” and commence kicking everyone’s butts! A few extra super villains popped out to keep things interesting. They don’t have Encounter Levels in M&M but by the end of the adventure half the party was on their way to unconscious or dead and everyone had used almost 75% of their resources. In the end they beat the big baddy and saved NYC. They got national recognition, the gratitude of the city, and a new headquarters.

All around awesome game!
