Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hero Kids RPG

Hero Kids RPG with 9 children (an 11 year old, two 10 year olds, two 9 year olds, three 7 year olds, and a 6 year old.) We played the adventure Maze of the Minotaur. We had pizza and juice boxes. Tomas' mom brought us a chocolate cake for dessert. The children picked their heroes and named them. I explained the rules of the game and they were very excited to learn that every time they overcame an obstacle or wounded a monster they received a Skittle or M&M.
In the story, the heroes were in their tree house/club house when Lilly the Forest Fairy came with terrible news that the Queen had taken ill and only a special medicine could save her. Lilly advised the heroes to seek out Daedalus, an old storyteller, who might know where they could find the medicine. They went into town and spoke with several townspeople before finding out the storyteller was in the Inn. The heroes spoke with him and he told them the medicine was in the Maze of the Minotaur.

They traveled down river and then across country to a ominous hill with a small opening framed by greek pillars. The caverns held snakes, goblins, and an underground lake that was home to a Hydra. 

Finally, they found the treasure room of the Minotaur but to enter they had to answer three riddles. Once inside they retrieved the medicine for the Queen but the Minotaur was upon them. He charged into their group knock down some of the heroes and then attacked with his battleaxe. Some of the heroes fought bravely while a few focused on their mission to get the medicine to the queen and ran for the exit. The healer, Rocky, weakened the Minotaur with his magic, the Druid commanded the roots in the ground to rise and ensnare the Minotaur, finally Edward the Alchemist used his explosives to cause the rocks on the cave ceiling to crash down on the horrible beast and knocked it out. 

The queen received the medicine she needed in time and the Hero Kids were treated to chocolate cake

Clip of the adventure:

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